Unlock your team’s potential
with Clifton Strengths

 Boost Collaboration and Enhance Performance

Perfect for your team building events in Japan
Our program is designed to enhance collaboration, communication and productivity 

 About the Workshop 

We provide Awesome! program based on your needs

Workshop Details 

We commit your members to step forward with Strengths via Workshop

Customers' Voice

We appreciate our customer's voice for better Workshop

“Understanding myself and each other in terms of how we naturally operate, behave, and think.

I want to be more conscious about 

how others operate and lean on my strengths further while watching out for my blind spots”

“Group presentation helped me learn and understand our team mates. 

I thought my theme is less necessary in terms of work,

but now I love my talents!”

“Presentations on each strengths was very helpful because we got to understand, asked question and answer each other.

It was a precious time to undertand different strengths and 

what’s thier need in the process of working together.

I will use the knowledge to communicate coworkers!”

“Making a Strength manual and do presentation session were really impressive for me because it helped to understand others more! I thought having so much thoughts is not a good thing, but I get to know and believe it is one of my strength and i can use it to approach my goals”

"It was a great learning opportunity.  The workshop helps to understand how to understand my top talents and use them"

“I remember you saying in the workshop that Clifton Strengths is a tool not to identify our weaknesses, but to understand our strengths and leverage them to become better versions of ourselves. Thanks so much for wonderful workshop for us”

“I really enjoyed the program and would like to say thank you, as it offered me an opportunity to look at what my strengths are and what I need to do to strengthen them”

“I learned a lot from the collaboration of group work. I was able to learn something new about myself from the opinions of the teachers on the same team”

“The program is a valuable tool for anyone looking to understand and harness their unique strengths. It offers a positive, detailed, and practical approach to personal and professional development, with broad applicability and strong support mechanisms”

“Knowing about the strengths gives me insight to be a more effective teacher and learner. I think this information is quite useful.”

 Are You Ready to Unlock Your Team's Potential?

 Contact Us to Learn More!

About Awesome!

We're not here to be average.  We're here to be Awesome!

Sachiko Nishioka 

(Awesome! Representative, Gallup Certified Strengths Coach)

Top5 Strengths : Communication / Woo / Individualization / Achiever / Responsibility

Graduated from Kobe University in Japan and joined P&G in 2000.
Developed Baby Diaper Products Pampers as Material Group Leader to launch globally.
Also had experience to work >20 nationalities coworkers and suppliers. 

Graduated P&G in 2019 and established Awesome! in 2020 to maximize individual and Team performance with Strengths-based theory.  As of Jun.2024, we provided Clifton Strengths Programs to ~19 companies and ~1500 people in total.  
All English Program has been providing to several customers since 2023.